Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weight loss thoughts..

Weight loss thoughts...
I wonder... how come there are so many overweight persons when there are so many wonderful diets... so many weight loss programs, pills, patches, hypnosis therapies, herbal body wraps... well, you name it! Are we missing something? You bet!

Diet here, diet there, diet everywhere! But people react differently to diets / weight loss programs. Some lose weight, some don't, some gain back whatever weight they lost (or more) ... Fat / overweight / obese women, men, teenagers... all are paying the price.... for not knowing how their bodies react to various foods, what their bodies really need, what's healthy for them. Basic nutrition "tips" that can be obtained free...

My advice to you is...

Start your weight loss program... by reading and learning!

Yes, I agree, this needs time, but better spend some time than money... in vain! If previous diets didn't work for you - there's always a good explanation. Not all exercises or diets are suitable for everyone!
Before reaching for your pocket to pay for magic pills or powders, patches, dieting programs etc., LEARN what's best for you.
Learn from other people mistakes (like ME!!!), be prepared to make the difference between diets (pro's and con's). Take it simply...
But remember...

Losing weight is simple, but never easy !

For a permanent weight loss you should consider a lifestyle change... Easier said than done! No matter what you do, keep in mind that your health should be your main concern.
You need to lose weight not only because you're tired to be considered fat, overweight, obese (and you are unhappy with this) but mainly because it's not healthy! You'll read later on my pages what obesity can do to you... brrr!
I will recommend you along the way some books I found extremely interesting and that helped me become the person I am today: proud of myself, equilibrated, happy, fulfilled (and not obese!).
Knowledge is power - accumulate knowledge (about nutrition, about yourself !!!) and you'll have the power to lose weight! You will be able even to design your own personal diets. Weight loss is a matter of believing (motivation), food choice and exercise. So, take action!
And don't forget to smile and laugh as often as you can!

How to lose weight after pregnancy?

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